Microsoft Project licenses explained

The licensing around Microsoft Project is very confusing at first, with numerous articles on the web showing contradicting information. Microsoft retired and renamed some of the licenses which caused some confusion, see this article from Microsoft for more information.

The information below should clarify the licenses and tell you what they are used for, as well as for who they are best suited for. Continue reading “Microsoft Project licenses explained”

What happened to the Databias hosted Microsoft Exchange?

After running a hosted Microsoft Exchange service for the last 7 years, Databias has made the difficult decision to wind down the product and migrate all existing customers to the 365 platform. Although the Exchange cluster we operated had well over 99.9% up-time over this period, we could not compete against the aggressive pricing offered by our supplier, Microsoft, in the form of their 365 cloud email service. This fact, coupled with the benefit that 365 users get with Microsoft’s other cloud products, such as Azure, made our move to the cloud that much more appealing. Continue reading “What happened to the Databias hosted Microsoft Exchange?”

Databias is re-branding!

Databias has long been in need of a brand overhaul, and it’s finally happening. Some of our customers have noticed our new and improved statement and invoice templates, the design of which will be carried through to all Databias branding at the end of August 2017. We hope you like our new look.