Email Security

Email security is core to our business at Databias and we have implemented all possible protection protocols necessary to protect your email from threats like spam, phishing and email spoofing. There are three key layers that we use to protect your email from a data breach.

A Sender Policy Framework (SPF) record or SPF TXT record is a record that is part of your domain’s Domain name Server (DNS). It contains a list of all the IP addresses that are permitted to send email on behalf of your domain. If it is, then a link has been established between the piece of email and the email domain. Databias uses SPF records to prevent spammers from spoofing your domain name. Recipient servers can use the SPF record we publish on your bahalf in DNS to determine whether an email that they have received has come from an authorized server or not.

DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) is an email authentication method designed to detect forged sender addresses in email a technique often used in phishing and spam. DKIM allows the receiver to check that an email claimed to have come from a specific domain was indeed authorized by the owner of that domain. It achieves this by affixing a digital signature, linked to a domain name, to each outgoing email message. The recipient system can verify this by looking up the sender’s public key published in the DNS. A valid signature also guarantees that some parts of the email (possibly including attachments) have not been modified since the signature was affixed. Usually, DKIM signatures are not visible to end-users, and are affixed or verified by the infrastructure rather than the message’s authors and recipients.

DMARC is Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting and Conformance, a technical standard. DMARC email security provides a way for domain owners to outline their authentication practices and specify the actions to be taken when an email fails authentication. DMARC also provides a way for recipients to report on email that fails authentication.

Working together
In essence, both SPF and DKIM provide different measures of email authenticity. DMARC provides the ability for Databias to publish a policy that specifies that both DKIM and SPF are employed when sending email from specific domains; how to check the From: field presented to end users; how the receiver should deal with failures—and a reporting mechanism for actions performed under those policies.

DMARC beefs up our security by providing another layer of protection that guards against attacks like impersonation fraud, where an attacker uses a legitimate domain to send a fraudulent message.