Dark Mode

Dark mode is a thing. In fact it’s the new black. First made popular by Apple on macOS Mojave last year, it is now available on iOS 13 and iPAD OS 13, as well as Windows 10 and Android mobiles. You can also enable Dark Mode in many apps such as Facebook Messenger, Google Maps, Microsoft Edge, Outlook and Word; Mozilla Firefox, Slack, Twitter, YouTube and more.

For us at Databias, it is Dark Mode in Outlook that affects how email signatures look, and it is important that we design for both light and dark appearances going forward. The uptake, with the promise of Dark Mode being easier on the eyes and more polite, is steadily growing.

Dark Mode puts the focus, and light, on the content areas of your interface, allowing that content to stand out while the surrounding user interface recedes into the background.

Your design should be able to toggle between dark and light modes and look good in both.

Obvious things to look out for.

  • All logos and images should be .pngs and have a transparent background so as to render well in both modes.
  • Although Dark Mode naturally changes black text to white, a dark blue or red font colour might not stand out against the dark background, so this should be taken into consideration.
  • If you must use a white background for your signature or banner, choose a slightly darker white that prevents the background from actually glowing against the surrounding dark content.
  • Make sure full-colour images and icons look good. If an image or icons looks good in only one mode, modify it.

Get in touch with us today to design your interchangeable signature and banner.